
I min värld är allt antingen en ständig mental orgasm fylld av endorfin, eller en helvetisk avgrund då marken faller samman under mina fötter. trauman gör sig ständigt påminda men ändå försöker jag må bra. det är viktigt att ha perspektiv i detta ständiga limbo jag befinner mig i.

Cynisk & Bitter

Kategori: Anletsdrag

en engelska B uppsats jag skrev kring ämnet kärlek.
jag skrev den cyniskt & bittert!

Love: quite simply the most complexed and at the same time basic feeling you may posess as a mere human.
For instance, it was your parents love that moulded you into the bloated lump of flesh that you are today.
The aspects of love is unfathomnable, and the gradeour of it is more than your simplistic mind can comprehend.
Still, as the repulsive hairless apes that we are, love may still be included to our lives, as the endorfins stimulate our brains with the illusion of any meaning to our pathetic existence.

Love, just as life is a spark of light in the midst of endless darkness.
We cling to love and hate, joy and pain, belief and fear, for they make us feel alive.
Some of us are glorious mighty men who will forge legends and burn like fiery stars in the darkness, casting the brief hope of life to this world.
But in the end we will have to give up everything we have and decend back into the endless, dreamless darkness, to be forever forgotten.



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